New York Lawmakers passed an IRV pilot on June 1, but the bill went to the NY Election Committee on June 2.
The Senate was not informed of the differences between IRV talking points and reality, and will not unless they are informed. I've spoken with the Election Chair's assistant, and they would be glad to have more information. See my blog of letter sent to the New York Elections Committee FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2010 TO NEW YORK LAWMAKERS: ABOUT INSTANT RUNOFF VOTING
Please sent an email to the Election Committee as soon as possible.,,,,,,,,,
Joseph P. Addabbo Jr
Martin Malavé Dilan
Brian X. Foley
Joseph A. Griffo
Tom Libous
Thomas P. Morahan
José M. Serrano
Chair, Joan L. Millman
Counsel to the committee Kathleen O'Keefe
Committee analyst Laurie Barone
At the very least, if they are determined to have IRV pilots. they should
The escape clause is needed so that in the event of cost issues, the jurisdictions do not have to choose between IRV pilot and public services like police and firedept. If such a conflict occurred, the city would face lawsuits from pro IRV forces, so in addition to having to cut public services, city would have cost of IRV and cost of lawsuits.1) require jurisdictions to hold public meetings to allow citizen input in decision to volunteer for pilots,
2) require that governed bodies and BoE both agree to pilot before volunteering, and
3) allow "escape clause" to volunteer jurisdictions in the event that
a) there is no certified system in place to tally IRV,
b) community cannot afford start up and administration costs.