
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Aspen Instant Runoff Voting--Up for Repeal in November 2010

Instant runoff voting is on its way out in Aspen Colorado says Glass Ballot Box - an election transparency blog based out of Aspen.:

Status of Aspen IRV--Up for Repeal in November

Status of Aspen’s IRV Method—--Up for Potential Repeal in November Election after November 09 Advisory Vote to Discontinue IRV.

In Aspen, the election season is gearing up again for August primaries and November elections for our County, State and Federal offices. Voters are beginning to inquire about the candidates and the issues on the ballot. The IRV status is one confusing element which needs to be updated.

Aspen City Council has committed to put a binding measure on the November 2010 ballot to allow voters to decide to continue with or repeal IRV . The question is what method may take its place---the “winner-take-all” plurality, or the traditional run-offs. That must all be worked out over the summer. But Council is committed to putting IRV to an up or down vote in November 2010.

Many voters in Aspen think that this has already been decided last November when IRV was on the ballot as an advisory question.

But it was not a binding vote. So it is a bit confusing.

Here’s the history---

In November 2009, the City put IRV up for an advisory vote. ( Council refused to have a binding vote.)

It was a close vote, 801 to 808 with , with 808 rejecting IRV.

Some Aspen voters are going to be surprised that they must vote on IRV AGAIN in November. There seems to be a lot of agreement that it did not work as advertised. It certainly has not saved money---or time. Things may get more confusing depending on how the ballot question is worded. That seems completely up in the air.

3 of our 5 council members are negative on IRV now. 2 of them voted for it in 2007

IRV was passed in a very small turnout election in 2007

608 Yes to 186 No.

So more people voted AGAINST IRV in the Nov 09 advisory vote than vote in total in the election to install IRV in Nov 2007.

Read this and other articles about Aspen's one and only IRV election and the issues of election transparency at Glass Ballot Box

Aspen will soon join Cary North Carolina, Pierce County Washington, Burlington Vermont, the Utah Republican Party and even Georgetown University in finally ditching instant runoff voting.

Aspen's May 5, 2009 IRV election has generated controversy from election night on to today, with voter confusion the rule on election night, voting machines mis programmed by the vendor, election tally wrong, a vendor/corporation running the election, investigations, reports, lawsuits and criminal charges. Controversy continues today.

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Burlington VT to North Carolina-Instant Runoff Voting is a pig in a poke!

Burlington voters at the Repeal IRV blog have a message to North Carolina media: beware of the IRV pig in a poke that is being sold to you.North Carolina media, you are being pawned by special interests.

NC being sold a pig in a poke

Several people commenting on an article about IRV in an NC newspaper know quite a bit about Burlington VT. They throw around names like Kurt Wright, Vince Dober and Ward 7 runoff election with obvious familiarity. Check it out...

Burlington Vermont used IRV in two mayoral elections and voters came back to the polls in force to ditch it.

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