
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

San Leandro City Councilmember says push for IRV came from special interests

On April 5, City Councilmember Diana Souza voted against adopting instant runoff voting aka IRV/RCV. Souza changed her vote from yes to no after learning that her January vote was based on input of special interest groups, not actual constituents. Souza's no IRV vote on Monday came after hearing from her constituents,who "felt ranked-choice was confusing and would discourage voters, and they doubted cost-savings estimates."

Mayor Santos rejected Monday's anti IRV vote and ordered a new vote to be held on April 19. When Mayor Santos cast his yes vote in January, he did so via teleconference and with the help of a national IRV lobbyist.
Santos had national IRV lobbyist, New America Foundation's director, Steven Hill, in his hotel room in the nation's capitol during the January vote. Another benefit of instant runoff voting for the mayor is IRV's well known incumbent protection properties.

Ranked-choice voting in San Leandro hits a snag
San Leandro to revisit the item on April 19
Michael Gregory, who had voted in January to approve ranked-choice, was absent.

Souza said she was unsure about ranked-choice voting when she voted for it in January.

She explained that she was swayed by the audience, which overwhelmingly spoke in support of switching to the new system. But afterward, she felt that the audience had been stacked with "special interests."

"It became apparent that the voice of the audience that evening was not the voice of residents that I've come into contact with in San Leandro. I think a politician's role is not to push a personal agenda but to listen to the voice of the people," she said, adding that her constituents felt ranked-choice was confusing and would discourage voters, and they doubted cost-savings estimates.

Santos used a section of the City Charter that empowers him to suspend the vote until the next meeting, when Gregory is scheduled to be present.
Instant runoff voting has gained reputation as incumbent protection, something that would benefit Mayor Santos:

RCV May Aid Incumbent Mayor in the Fall
Santos Gets Five Extra Months to Rake in the Dough 'R' Still Comes Before 'S' Captain Save-A-Country

Supporters of Ranked Choice Voting from the left-leaning New America Foundation had the ear of both Mayor Tony Santos and Councilman Jim Prola from the beginning. Both gave passionate speeches in favor and seemed relieved by its passing Tuesday night. Santos even had New America's director, Steven Hill, in his hotel room in the nation's capitol as Tuesday night's meeting headed towards two in the morning Eastern time....

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